Frequently asked questions

What is the delivery time for my order?
When you place an order with Mercuza, the delivery time may be different from what you are used to. Since our products are shipped directly from our suppliers, we save significantly on storage and transportation costs, allowing us to offer our products at competitive prices.

We offer shipping to most countries worldwide. We strive to process and ship orders within 1-3 business days, and the delivery time usually takes between 8-13 business days after the order is processed. See our Shipping policy for more information.

What should I do if I haven't received my order yet?
Due to the high demand for our products, your order may arrive later than expected. We appreciate your understanding. If this period has passed and you still have not received anything, please email We will investigate the status of your package.

I want to exchange/return my order, how do I do this?
To return an item, simply contact our customer service at Include your name, order number (e.g., #0000) from your confirmation email, and the reason for the return. We will then provide you with the return address and confirm the return. Once confirmed, you can send the product back to us via a courier of your choice.

What are the costs of returns?
Unfortunately, returns are at your own expense. The cost will depend on the courier. Please consult the website of the courier you choose for more information on pricing.

What are the conditions for returning my product(s)?
There is always a return period of 14 days. The return period starts on the day you receive the item. However, there are conditions for returning items:

- The return period has not expired.
- The product is in its original packaging with all labels attached.
- The product has not been used.

Which payment methods can I use?
We accept payments via credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), Apple Pay, Shop Pay, UnionPay, and PayPal. If you are unsure whether your payment method is accepted, follow the steps on the payment page to view all available options.

All transactions are processed through secure and reliable payment systems, ensuring 100% security.

What if I haven't received a confirmation email for my order?
This should not happen. Please send an email with your full name and email address to We will assist you promptly.

Can I cancel my order?
Do you want to cancel your order for any reason? Send an email as soon as possible to Include your name, order number (e.g., #0000) from your confirmation email, and the reason for cancellation.